Elite Tax Advisors
Securing The Financial Future Of America


Robert Donofrio, President of Elite Tax Advisors, Inc. has many years of experience in the financial planning industry. He holds a degree from one of the top 25 Nationally Rated Universities, where he graduated with top honors. Well versed in many areas of tax planning and financial planning, he has a well-rounded wealth of knowledge in regards to the current economy and issues that affect financial security.
Beginning his career in personal financial planning for all ages, he currently specializes strictly in tax savings and retirement planning for seniors. He has been readily recognized as a premier authority in his field by some of the top companies in the industry.
His main focus is on securing the financial future of seniors by protecting assets. He is eager to be of service to his clients and works diligently to help maximize tax savings and protect assets, while increasing retirement income.

Kellie Morris, Senior Advisor/Realtor has an extensive background in real estate, tax advising, and the insurance industry. Handling all the day to day operations for the Elite Tax offices, she is directly involved with all activities of the business including, workshop scheduling, appointment scheduling, client support, pending accounts, and overall client satisfaction. Kellie is also a Realtor and also assists our clients in buying and selling their homes & properties. www.kelliemorris.net
Personally, Kellie loves spending time with her family, including her fiance, two children, grandchild and dog. She is actively involved with the community, and enjoys helping and serving others.
She has an open door policy and is available anytime for questions or concerns.
Monica Donofrio, Client Social Networking for Elite Tax Advisors, Inc. has 45+ years of experience in Real Estate, Insurance, and various other businesses . She holds an Associates Degree from Gannon University in her hometown of Erie, PA. and has worked as a Paralegal. She is our initial point of contact for most of our clients at Elite Tax Advisors, Inc.